Thursday 10 November 2016

Task 5 - Professional bodies and supporting the indutry

Task 5 - Professional bodies and supporting the industry


The Association for UK Interactive Entertainment or more commonly known as UKIE is a trade group that represents the video game industry. They were previously known as ELSPA until march 2010 and some of the members include Microsoft, Google, and Virgin Media and the UKIE is a member of the UKCCIS who are for the safety of children 

Image result for ukie


The International Game Developers Association is a non-profit organisation with 10,000 video and computer game developers globally. Its misson is "to advance the careers and enhance the lives of game developers. In recognition to the wide-ranging, multidisciplinary nature of interactive entertainment, there are no barriers to entry. Any person who considers him or herself to be a game developer may join." 

Image result for IGDA

Women in Games

There are more women in games now than there was fifteen years ago, more and more women are becoming more invovled in the game industry despite the target audience for games being primarily men. 
Men are more prone to play video games on a regular basis and so to target a male audience is well justified. A survey was conducted to see how many women are in games showed that 48% of women in america have played a video game but only 6% of them consider themselves gamers, while 15% of men consider themselves gamers, this has risen though with women rising to 9% and men to 33%.


BAFTA is one of the best independent charities that support, develop and promote moving-image art forms in the UK: film, television, video games as well as interactive media. More recently in 2015, the best game design was voted as 'Bloodbourne'. The best sports game is 'Rocket league' and best debut game was voted as 'Her story' by Sam Barlow.

BAFTA Games Awards Logo.jpg


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