Monday 19 December 2016

Task 7 - Employment

Curriculum Vitae 

A CV is a document that promotes your qualifications and past work experience to employers when applying for a job. A CV is the easiest way of showing off your interests as well as what you strive for when looking for a job and gives the employer and idea of why they should choose you for the job. 
Below is my personal CV:

At the top of my CV I decided to add my personal statement to allow employers to see my motivations and what type of employee I am. Below this I have added my previous time in employment and the date I worked there. After that i added the key skills that i posses in the hope that an employer will see these as good attributes. In the Technical skills section I have added what I've learnt through my years in education such as passing Maths, English and French at a GCSE level. Then in the Personal skills I have put skills I believe I have through work or high school like being able to solve problems and having good team working skills, also if you show interest in computing and apply for computer programmer then you are more likely to be accepted for the job. I believe this is a very important aspect of a CV as it give the employer a quick way of seeing what type of person you are and how you are in the workplace, For example in the game industry you will have to be able to work as part of a large team and for the employer to see this they may want that in an employer. I was originally going to add contact details but since this is online I have decided to take them out, despite this the contact details are key in a CV as it gives a way for the employer to get in touch with you if they decide to give you an interview.

Next i have added the grades that I have achieved during my time at High school, these are my GCSE's and a BTEC qualification and once again this is very important to an employer when looking to be hired because it is the only way for an employer to see what you are actually capable of, for example if you achieve a C in English and Maths they will see this as a positive as you are somewhat intelligent and can do simple Maths and English, Furthermore, If you have a GCSE in French or another language they will see you are multicultural and some companies see this as positive. Lastly on the CV I have added my own personal interests in there and give the employer a brief insight into what you enjoy out of work hours. This section of the CV can't be too long as they employer might see you as someone who talks too much but if its not enough they may see you as boring therefore, two or three sentences explain what you enjoy doing should be suffice.

After a review i believe my CV is done well enough to be accepted for a part time job, mainly because of the lack of work experience i wont be good enough to apply for a full time job as of yet. The layout of my CV, I believe is very well set out as at the start shows past experience then leads into the skills and qualifications I have as an employee, then ends with my own interests which aren't the most relevant to an employer. If i was to go back and change somethings i would add more to my personal interests as at the minute it can be seen as not enough and I could extend on what I enjoy doing in my spare time.

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